History of the building

In History of the building by Wildmosers Restaurant-Cafe am Marienplatz

The history of the house, in which later on the „Weißwurst“ was developed, is long – firstly known in the year 1500. In the beginning it was just a building made of two houses and a few floors, later on in the 17th century it presented itself as a beautiful city house with five floors, impressive onion shaped towers and idyllic roof structures – an appearence, late medieval and richly decorated, that would last long into the 19th century.


This year is known as the birthyear of the Munich „Weißwurst“. Legend says, that in the restaurant „Zum Ewigen Licht“ in February the landlord „Moser Sepp“ created this speciality through an accident. After that the „Weißwurst“ became well known and is till this day very famous in bavaria and even all over the world. Especially carnival and the Oktoberfest are great for this meal.

1904 + 1944

Zur Jahrhundertwende entstand an dieser Stelle ein Neubau, der die alte Tradition als Gastronomie- und Hotelbetrieb fortsetzte und in Peterhof umbenannt wurde, da die St. Peter Kirche ganz in der Nähe steht. Außerdem wurde der Gebäudekomplex im selben Jahr von der Hacker-Brauerei erworben.

Während des zweiten Weltkrieges im Jahr 1944 musste der Geburtsort der Weißwurst herbe Rückschläge einstecken, das Haus wurde fast vollständig zerstört, nachdem das Hotel Peterhof zuerst bestehen blieb, während des Krieges jedoch komplett abgerissen wurde.


In the year 1996 Marienplatz 22 is changed again – according to the plans of an architect company in Munich named Stöter-Tillmann und Kaiser: With the closing of the patio a new form takes place on the first floor, a rotunda with skylight. The PresseClub moves into its new office on the fourth floor and the Paulaner brewery realizes its gastronomy concept above Munich’s roof tops.


The same architect company as in 1996 is creating the new plans of modernization for the company building at Marienplatz 22 in year 2001. This time mostly the inside will be changed. The PresseClub Munich moves into the whole forth floor.

The Wildmosers Restaurant-Cafe at Marienplatz has been closed for quite a while now – but in summer 2017 we can finally present the reopening of this historic place. The birthplace of the „Münchner Weißwurst“ will be perfect for every taste, visitors and locals alike will enjoy the fine Munich menu. The famous Munich architectural office Goergens Miklautz is responsible for the harmonious and up-to-date appearance of the building. The renowned Munich architects office lauber zottmann blank is responsible for the overall concept and interior design